a quest at long last

I can’t seem to escape the feeling that I am so far behind in my knowlege of food and cooking. It is for that reason that I am starting a sort of quest. It is loosely inspired by Julie’s in Julie and Julia but not in a lame way; just in the way that I, like Julie, learn best with some sort of quest or deadline.

So here’s what we’ve got:

Me: a girl who loves food, knows more about it than some but less about it than the some that matter. An owner of a constantly growing number of cookbooks who has, of late, been frantically cooking every night after work with the hopes that I am gaining ground on those who have cooked with enthusiasm all their lives. A person who needs some structure in this race.

Quest: One cookbook per month. I will count how many recipes the cookbook I have left to try and then try to make a dent in this number by the month’s conclusion. The next month will bring a different book, the previous one’s to be returned to in the future. This will continue, with the percentage of recipes completed in the month out of total recipes representing my progress and productivity.

Up to bat first, appropriately, is the book that started my all-out obsession with cooking. Jamie’s Food Revolution is what some consider Jamie Oliver’s most obnoxious book but it holds a special place in my heart because I first started cooking enthusiastically out of it before any other cookbooks came into my life. It’s a well-rounded cookbook which means I won’t be locked into one specific culinary area but it’s a bit of a daunting task to cook through this book. Despite the recipes I have already completed in this book (of which there have been many) I still have a whopping 107 recipes left in the book.

So here we are at the beginning of my quest:

0/107 recipes completed on March 4.

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